奇跡のシンガー・ソングライター静寂に情熱を奏でるMiracle Girl! Melody Gardot待望のデビュー・アルバム!
・ amazon prime : Worrisome Heart
“. . . in a place where Billie Holiday meets Tom Waits . . . has moments that recall pieces of Nina Simone, early Rickie Lee Jones, and even the sophistication of Cole Porter. ” – Business Week
Although there are elements of jazz, blues and folk in her music, it is simultaneously all of those things and none of them. Her engaging songs and sultry controlled vocals possess a timeless quality that places them in the tradition of the great female vocalists on Verve, whose work have also not been confined to any one genre or style
・ Google Play Music : Melody Gardot : Worrisome Heart (2008)
・ apple music : Melody Gardot : Worrisome Heart (2008)
・ Spotify : Melody Gardot : Worrisome Heart (2008)
1. Worrisome Heart : 夜と朝の間で
2. All That I Need Is Love : オール・ザット・アイ・ニード・イズ・ラヴ
3. Gone : ゴーン
4. Sweet Memory : スウィート・メモリー
5. Some Lessons : サム・レッスンズ
6. Quiet Fire : 静かな炎
7. One Day : ワン・デイ
8. Love Me Like A River Does : ラヴ・ミー・ライク・ア・リヴァー・ダズ
9. Goodnite : グッドナイト
10. Twilight : トワイライト